Saturday, February 14, 2009

It's been a long long time...

... Hasn't it? So much for regular updates, am I right?

I'm hoping to find another opportunity to wander the streets with a camera but up until this point chances have not been forthcoming. Wandering I can do - it's the having a camera part which has been somewhat more difficult. Nevertheless I am determined. Have discovered interesting new trends in Montreal street markings - does the name "Jim Joe" tickle anyone's memory? I've been seeing it all over of late. Furthermore have discovered new Spy Ear Vocalize Silents, some with slight modifications - such as the "Spy Ear" on its own, or "Eye Spy Ear Vocalize Silent" (just outside the Guy-Concordia metro station; I can't for the life of me recall whether or not it's still there even though I pass it nearly every day). They're disappearing just as rapidly as they're being put up - often I will pass by a place I photographed last summer and the phrase will have been washed off or painted over. It irks me to think that I could be missing some entirely simply because I haven't the time or the energy or the will to hunt them down.

In any case, I know better than to make promises, but I'm trying, really.